Vintage Upgrades: Walnut Hills, Cincinnati OH
February 7 @ 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

This is the final part of a three-part series. This historic Walnut Hills home has treasures like vintage and antique furniture, hardware, rescued built-ins, and decor. The couple is moving and is parting ways with some of their possessions. An interior designer meets a racecar enthusiast. This home and collection will not disappoint.
2153 Sinton Avenue Cincinnati OH 45206
Friday: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM -2:00 PM
Sunday: 11:00 – 2:00 PM
Featured Categories: Carrera slot car collection, historic home restoration materials, textiles, accent furniture, ready-to-hang artwork, and vintage & antique furniture.
Inventory Includes:
- Slot car collection
- Complete Pink Vintage Kitchen Cabinets and oven
- Vintage Mint Green counter and sink
- Antique furniture
- Vintage furniture
- Vintage decor
- Mid-century modern furniture
- Z-Gallerie Bedroom set
- Queen size mattress
- Area rugs
- Textiles
- Interior design magazines
- Historic home built-ins
- Historic home restoration materials
- Clawfoot tub
- Antique shutters
- Lamps
- Ready to hang artwork
- Ceramic serving sets
- Bookshelves
- Silver-plated serving wear
- Books: racing, interior design, and vintage children’s
- Twin-size bed and mattress
- Lamps
- Wardrobe valet
- Quilts
- Women’s wardrobe
- Men’s wardrobe
- Mountain bikes
- Mid-century housewares
- Stained glass
- Children’s furniture
And more!