Includes Estate Sale + Home Clear-out Management
Pricing based on scope of work
Starting at $1,000 + Revenue Share
  • Consultation
  • Inventory
  • Campaign
  • Auction
  • Estate Sale
  • Donation
  • Home Clear-out Management


Auction & Estate Sale proceed splits are based on how much the sale makes. The more your event sells, the higher percentage you make 🙂

Sales events resulting in $50,000 or more…………. 75/25 CLIENT/KH

Sales events resulting in $20,000 to $49,999……… 70/30 CLIENT/KH

Sales events resulting in $7,501 to $19,999………. 60/40 CLIENT/KH

Sales events resulting in $7,500 or less…………….. 50/50 CLIENT/KH


Example — Mr. & Mrs. Jones are downsizing from their 4Bed 3Bath home into a senior independent living space.

Scenario 1

The Jones Family hires Kept House for our Whole Home Auction & Estate Sale

Kept House creates the marketing campaign, promotes and facilitates the execution of the estate sale. The Jones’ and Kept House agree to a $2,500 service fee based on the scope of the work, plus a 50/50 split of the proceeds. Kept House requires a $1,000 deposit to begin services, with the remaining balance coming from sale proceeds. The sale makes $4,000. 

Kept House delivers a check to the Jones Family within 10 days for $1,250.

Scenario 2

The Jones Family hires Kept House for our Whole Estate Transition Package

Kept House creates the marketing campaign, promotes and facilitates the execution of the estate sale. The Jones’ and Kept House agree to a $2,500 service fee based on the scope of the work, plus a 50/50 split of the proceeds. Kept House requires a $1,000 deposit to begin services, with the remaining balance coming from sale proceeds. The sale makes $4,000. After the sale, Kept House manages the clear-out process and reduces clients overall cost of hauling through our donation network.

After the clear-out, Kept House either sends a check to the Jones with the remainder, or a balance of what is due.

Scenario 3

The Jones Family is giving away most of their possessions and have limited items remaining in the home. They hire Kept House for our Home Clear-out Management

The Jones’ and Kept House agree to a $500 service fee based on the scope of the work. Kept House requires a $250 deposit to begin services. Kept House manages the clear-out process and reduces clients overall cost of hauling through our donation network.

After the clear-out, Kept House sends a balance of what is due.